🔱 trident emblem

What is the official name for the🔱emoji?

The official name is trident emblem. There are plenty of other slang names, too (see below).

What does it mean when someone uses the🔱emoji?

It probably means that they are thinking about a trident emblem, which totally makes sense given that you just got this emoji in your text or DM.

What else can the🔱emoji symbolize? Does it have any hidden meanings?

There are definitely some hidden meanings for the 🔱 emoji. It can also mean they are looking at a trident emblem and know you’ll appreciate it as a good inside joke.

Does the🔱emoji appear on any lists?

We’ll be adding every emoji on our list to other lists soon. We love lists.

How do I copy and paste the🔱emoji?

Select this – 🔱 – with your cursor and copy!

Is the 🔱 emoji an ideogram?

Definitely. Why wouldn’t it be? It’s an official emoji.

🚢 ship

What is the official name for the🚢emoji?

The official name is ship. There are plenty of other slang names, too (see below).

What does it mean when someone uses the🚢emoji?

It probably means that they are thinking about a ship, which totally makes sense given that you just got this emoji in your text or DM.

What else can the🚢emoji symbolize? Does it have any hidden meanings?

There are definitely some hidden meanings for the 🚢 emoji. It can also mean they are looking at a ship and know you’ll appreciate it as a good inside joke.

Does the🚢emoji appear on any lists?

We’ll be adding every emoji on our list to other lists soon. We love lists.

How do I copy and paste the🚢emoji?

Select this – 🚢 – with your cursor and copy!

Is the 🚢 emoji an ideogram?

Definitely. Why wouldn’t it be? It’s an official emoji.

🛳 passenger ship

What is the official name for the🛳emoji?

The official name is passenger ship. There are plenty of other slang names, too (see below).

What does it mean when someone uses the🛳emoji?

It probably means that they are thinking about a passenger ship, which totally makes sense given that you just got this emoji in your text or DM.

What else can the🛳emoji symbolize? Does it have any hidden meanings?

There are definitely some hidden meanings for the 🛳 emoji. It can also mean they are looking at a passenger ship and know you’ll appreciate it as a good inside joke.

Does the🛳emoji appear on any lists?

We’ll be adding every emoji on our list to other lists soon. We love lists.

How do I copy and paste the🛳emoji?

Select this – 🛳 – with your cursor and copy!

Is the 🛳 emoji an ideogram?

Definitely. Why wouldn’t it be? It’s an official emoji.

⚓ anchor

What is the official name for the⚓emoji?

The official name is anchor. There are plenty of other slang names, too (see below).

What does it mean when someone uses the⚓emoji?

It probably means that they are thinking about a anchor, which totally makes sense given that you just got this emoji in your text or DM.

What else can the⚓emoji symbolize? Does it have any hidden meanings?

There are definitely some hidden meanings for the ⚓ emoji. It can also mean they are looking at a anchor and know you’ll appreciate it as a good inside joke.

Does the⚓emoji appear on any lists?

We’ll be adding every emoji on our list to other lists soon. We love lists.

How do I copy and paste the⚓emoji?

Select this – ⚓ – with your cursor and copy!

Is the ⚓ emoji an ideogram?

Definitely. Why wouldn’t it be? It’s an official emoji.